Schedule Jamboree Tyke, Novice Minor, Novice Major

Schedules for Jamboree Tyke, Novice Minor, Novice Major Games

View, download and/or print the Jamboree Tyke, Novice Minor and Novice Major Schedule.  You can also filter to see only those games you are interested in.

We have had additional coaches come forward and let us know that they have registered in the incorrect division. As a result this schedule has been re-done — ***PLEASE REVIEW THE UPDATED SCHEDULE BELOW***



Arena Locations

Atlas Tube Centre

447 Renaud Line Road
Lakeshore, ON


Libro Complex

3295 Meloche Road
Amherstburg, ON


Tecumseh Arena

12021 McNorton Street
Tecumseh, ON


Vollmer Culture & Recreation Complex

2121 Laurier Parkway
LaSalle, ON


Central Park Athletics

3400 Grand Marais Rd E.
Windsor, ON
